
Battling Stereotypes, Hitting the Headlines & Making a Difference

feature image of Battling Stereotypes, Hitting the Headlines & Making a Difference

In 2008, Slumdog Millionaire’s success put Mumbai’s slum community on the world stage. Millions around the world felt as if they really were a part of it, engrossed in the film, as they followed Jamal through the crowded streets of the city’s underworld Finally being on the world stage, in many ways, was one of the […]

Planning Your India Trip

friends visiting places

India is considered one of the most diverse countries in the world and it is not difficult to understand why.  With over 100 languages widely spoken, a stunning array of landscapes and a plethora of food to choose from, a trip to India is the equivalent of a trip through Europe.  So how do you […]

The Top 5 Travel Destinations for Solo Female Travellers

image for a tourist enjoying view of Rajasthan with reality tours and travels

Without a doubt, traveling as a sole female in India presents a few unique challenges compared to other places in the world.   People stare at you, personal space is non-existent and you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. (You can read more about safety in India here!) However, India is much safer […]

The Spices of Indian Food

Dear readers, After a scrumptious Dharavi Cooking Experience, getting hands on and learning how to make Indian dishes, we thought: why not pay homage to the ingredients that make the cuisine unique–a post in appreciation of some of India’s most beloved spices? India boasts a diverse range of regional cuisines where varying spices and ingredients […]

Is India Safe?

india flag

Dear readers, We are well aware that India has a reputation for being unsafe and that women in particular should not travel alone. However, this is not the full picture. India is a country replete with culture, experiences and, of course, people. People, people everywhere. This means that you’ll be hard pressed to find yourself […]

Planning Your Trip to India?


Happy New Year everyone! A new year means more opportunities to explore, new destinations to visit. And of course, India should be on your list! To make your trip to India easier, we’ve put together a few helpful resources to aid you in choosing transportation, finding accommodation, and more nitty-gritty elements needed to build the […]

A Practical Packing List for Your Trip to India

Hello travellers, We’ve curated a shortlist of things that may not necessarily be on the top of your list of things to have on hand while travelling. We are certain that these items shall prove useful—whether you’re in accessible or remote areas, travelling in a group or solo, irrespective of your situation. Charcoal tablets: We […]

What is It Like Travelling Solo as a Female in India?

“Wait, you’re all alone? I could NEVER travel all by myself.” I can’t relay the number of times I’ve heard people say this to me, a solo female traveller. And every time, I return their question with a smug smile and respond: “but of course you CAN!” India can be a daunting country to visit: […]

Camera Not Ok Please: Why We Don’t Let You Take Photos on Our Slum Tours

feature image of Camera Not Ok Please: Why We Don't Let You Take Photos on Our Slum Tours

Our very first tour of Dharavi was in January 2006; shortly after this, we introduced a ‘No Photography Policy’. Some press coverage had been critical of people going to Dharavi and taking photos, and when we saw the results, we agreed. Over a decade on and the policy remains unchanged: guests on our educational slum tours are not […]

Five Ted Talks We Love, and Why We Love Them

Krishna from reality tours and travel on Ted talks - Five Ted Talks We Love, and Why We Love Them

Since 1984 ‘Technology, Entertainment, Design’ (more commonly known the world over as ‘TED’) have been sharing ‘ideas worth spreading’ relating to all things, from education to business, science to development. In the last 30 years, they’ve shared over 2,400 talks in more than 100 languages which have been viewed 500 million times. These talks are a regular […]

India at the Olympics – a Sporting Chance?

ground ready for sports event

In a loose replication of Portuguese adventurers centuries ago, over the last couple of weeks thousands of the world’s top athletes have been seeking precious metals in Brazil. However one country in particular is slightly conspicuous by its absence from the upper echelons of that ultimate game of temporary national one-upmanship, the Olympics medal table. […]

Anyone for Cricket?

boys playing cricket in lanes

Since the British were finally forced to retreat from India many of the reminders of the colonial period have also gradually been pushed aside. From statues of royalty being taken down to city names being changed, in general as a hard fought single nation pride has begun to develop so too has the confidence of […]
