+91 9820822253 info@realitytoursandtravel.com

Our Model

We believe that tourism can and should be a force for local development. Reality Tours is a social business that uses a profit sharing model to fund our sister-NGO Reality Gives. 80% of our post-tax profits go directly to Reality Gives which runs high quality education programs in areas where Reality Tours works.

Reality Gives

Learn more about Reality Gives, their programs and the other NGOs that we work with on the Reality Gives website.


We strongly believe in transparency and accountability. As a result, we publish all of our accounts online.

Spreading the Model

We started over a decade ago in Dharavi and we are now using the same model for local development in New Delhi in the Sanjay Colony slum.

Our Impact

On January 4, 2016 Reality Tours and Travel celebrated 10 years of working here in Dharavi. To mark the occasion, we created a video that looks at the different ways in which we have impacted some of the lives of the tens of thousands of people who have been a part of our story.

As a responsible business, we value all of our stakeholders equally: our local community, our staff, our program participants and our tour guests. Our organisation doesn’t exist purely for our guests on tour or even the students in Reality Gives’ programs. Instead, we place importance on any group that comes in contact with our organisation. By strengthening all of our stakeholders, we strengthen our organisation. This has been the key to our success over the years.